Saturday, November 28, 2015

Reading 31: R Trees for Sketch Representations

Guttman, Antonin. R-trees: a dynamic index structure for spatial searching. Vol. 14. No. 2. ACM, 1984.
The primary motivation behind this paper in the context of this project is to implement relative spatial indexing for sketches and shapes which have a well defined bounding box.
R-Trees are used to spatially index objects that can be represented in an n-dimensional space using intervals in each dimension. In the simplest form,  each object is represented by a rectangle, i.e bounding box.

For most of our implementations, our sketches are well defined within a bounding box and can hence be spatially indexed to build a tree that gives us the relative position of a feature with respect to all the other feature objects that are present.
We first construct an RTree using a standard dataset of geographical features. The parameters to the RTree restrict the maximum number of nodes and hence the split size and depth of the tree.
To query the RTree, we query the RTree to find out which leaf node the given bounding box is in. If the candidate and template bounding box occur the same node of the RTree, then we say that their relative position is the same.

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