Saturday, December 12, 2015

Reading 35: Enhancing KNN Search in Spatial Indexes

Cheung, King Lum, and Ada Wai-Chee Fu. "Enhanced nearest neighbour search on the R-tree." ACM SIGMOD Record 27.3 (1998): 16-21.
This paper gives an improves set of heuristics for the R* Tree, that makes indexing and retrieving neighbours of any spatial object, much more efficient.

We perform relative indexing primarily by extracting the nearest neighbours of a drawn feature, and checking how much the relative position of the two features match. However, this approach fails drastically when we have insufficient features indexed. In such a case, we have to resort to conventional algorithms that are translation independant.

Reading 34 : 2D Curve Similarity Algorithms

Deriche, Rachid, and Olivier Faugeras. "2-D curve matching using high curvature points: application to stereo vision." Pattern Recognition, 1990. Proceedings., 10th International Conference on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 1990.

This paper deals with the high curvature points of curves, and uses derivatives to calculate curve maxima.
Our application requires us to be able to gauge the similarity between two freely drawn curves, and we expect a very optimistic approximation of correctness between a template and candidate curve in the case of rivers.

Although the curve detection methods presented here are for a computer vision domain, they can be easily translated to the sketch domain.