Hammond, Tracy, and Randall Davis. "LADDER, a sketching language for user interface developers." Computers & Graphics 29.4 (2005): 518-532.
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LADDER is a high level language that allows developers to write sketch definitions for complex shapes, that are comprised of primitives. The language can be used to model the components of a shape, and enforce some constraints on how these components are position with respect to each other. Other important features the languages allows are editing and display commands, which determine how a shape should react when edited, or how it should be displayed upon recognition.
The shape definition comprises of components, constraints, aliases, and editing and display behaviours. Shapes can be defined using shape groups, hierarchical shapes and abstract shapes. There is also an additional constraint available that allows recognition to be orientation specific.
Two import rules used are:
1. Jess Rule - All possible combinations of shapes are checked
2. Constraint Satisfaction Rule - The systems tries to satisfy all the given constraints while moving the points as less as possible
Hammond, Tracy, and Randall Davis. "LADDER, a sketching language for user interface developers." Computers & Graphics 29.4 (2005): 518-532.
Publication Link
LADDER is a high level language that allows developers to write sketch definitions for complex shapes, that are comprised of primitives. The language can be used to model the components of a shape, and enforce some constraints on how these components are position with respect to each other. Other important features the languages allows are editing and display commands, which determine how a shape should react when edited, or how it should be displayed upon recognition.
The shape definition comprises of components, constraints, aliases, and editing and display behaviours. Shapes can be defined using shape groups, hierarchical shapes and abstract shapes. There is also an additional constraint available that allows recognition to be orientation specific.
Two import rules used are:
1. Jess Rule - All possible combinations of shapes are checked
2. Constraint Satisfaction Rule - The systems tries to satisfy all the given constraints while moving the points as less as possible